We develop strategy to guide the management of all key industrial relationships, including the unions, to mitigate against risks to the business.
The obvious risks are related to work disruptions. However we help identify other risks including the impact a collective bargaining relationship can have on operational flexibility and competitive advantage. We create strategies that diminish any risks to the business’s reputation, market share and importantly risks to its brand.
For non-union organizations and in situations where the workforce is considering union representation, our strategists have significant experience ensuring that employees are well-informed about the realities of unionization in a modern competitive businesses. We will ensure that management’s voice is heard and that employees understand the consequences of unionization before they make a decision to relinquish their individual control over their employment arrangements.
We work with non union organizations to establish employee relations substitution strategies, create ongoing programs to maintain healthy direct employee relations.
We go beyond the traditional labour relations focuses to examine all aspects of organizational culture including the business strategy, leadership, organizational policies, supervisory skills, corporate citizenship, reputation in the marketplace and communications.